Just because he's so darn cute, here are a few more shots of our Woodrow. 

Shana wanted to know what book I got his name from. I was just going to answer her, but then I thought it might be fun to make you guess! To make it worth your time, I'll pick a name from the correct answers and send the winner a box of Girl Scout Cookies! Ok, it's a shameless plug to help Tori sell the darn cookies, but it will be fun and tasty! While you're at it, tell me your favorite book/books/series too. You can enter through January 19th.
I have no idea but just guessing I would say it was from the "Little House on the Prairie" series of books. But trying to do some research I found a book called "Woodrow's Trumpet" by Tim McLaurin and now I want to read it.
I have no idea so I can't guess but I will buy some girl scout cookies from Tori. I will be at Tiff's house Sunday if you can get them there I will buy them from her!
Sorry Shana, I forgot to say that this is the preorder time for the cookies, we won't actually have them until Feb. I'm sure we can get them to you then if you still want some.
My guess is Woodrow Call in Lonesome Dove. Am I right? Am I right?
I have no clue but he is so cute!
No fair if "Yo Mama" is gonna play along! =)
Enter PW's contest girls. Big raspberry to Tiff. :D
Too many favorite books to list: Prodigal Summer; I Know This Much is True; Gone With the Wind; My Sister's Keeper; Animal, Vegetable, Miracle; Angela's Ashes. Right now I'm almost to the end of Atonement, which has turned out to be really good after a rough start.
I am cool with pre-order. Just let me know how much they are and I will leave a check with Tiff!
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