The puppies got to spend some time out in the backyard this week. Do you see a pattern?

Sunshine chose to monitor the situation from the washtub flower bed, where the pups couldn't reach her. She loves to play with them, but she is
done feeding them.

They had been out for over half an hour and not even noticed the giant birds across the yard. They suddenly realized they weren't alone when one of the girls laid an egg and made the usual noisy fuss about it. They stood perfectly still like this for about ten seconds then went running for the back door to escape the monster that made that big noise!

Then they did this
all night!
All night? Yeah for you guys! I don't know if I laughed harder at Sunny in the washtub or them being afraid of the chicken noises. Maybe I'll head out a little early for our lunch date so we can play for while. =)
Hmmm....I notice a lot of ...chewing going on. Oh well, better outside than inside, right?
Sunny in the tub is adorable - very clever positioning, if I say so myself. Why didn't I think of this when my son was almost 3 and still wanted to nurse? lol
Noah says he likes the one chewing on the chain.
They're getting so big!! They'll be as big as their mom pretty soon. I love that they were afraid of the 'monster' chickens. Too funny!
and the teeting begins. I so did not like that phase with Jackson and was soooo glad when it was over.
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