Tori decided to take up volleyball this year and she loves it. As usual, our children decide to take up a sport we have never played and know nothing about. Luckily, our good friends, Joel and Tiffany, are rabid volleyball fans and are taking her under their wing (wings?, whatever!). Tori even got the same number that Tiffany had when she played.
We are slowly catching on to all the rules of the game. It's nice to have someone sitting next to me that can answer all my stupid questions during the games. Tori is catching on much quicker than we are. She is getting quite good at serving. If you want to come see one of her games, leave a comment and I'll send you the info.
I'll be there Monday!!
I am so excited for her. I loved volley ball while I was in school. Keep us updated on how she does!
I would like to know her schedule and grandpa K would like to know it as well. You looked good out there Tori Rose.
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