They are now out of the kiddie pool and free to run around the whole pen. As I suspected, they are still small enough to squeeze through the chicken wire, but then they run around the pen trying to get back in.

They are still using the heat lamp at night and all day on chilly days like today. We lost one on the second day (failure to thrive), but the rest are all healthy and growing like weeds.
Have you tried to count them again lately? They are looking great! On our way to processing day!
they are so cute! How old are they when you process? How long will it take for this batch? Do you think you'll get them done in a day? I admire that you guys are doing this...really cool and waaay better for you!
Tiff, I'm pretty sure there are 50, but they're impossible to count.
Thanks for your support! They will be processed in about 10 weeks. I don't think we'll have any problem finishing in one day. I'm guessing we can do 8-10 per hour once we get going.
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