In case you haven't heard, Oregon is having some crazy weather. We don't normally see snow in the valley. You can imagine how exciting it is for us to receive nearly a foot of it in two days! To make it even more exciting (scary), we had some freezing rain last night which left a good inch of ice on top of it.

The kids found a great use for the sheets of ice that formed on top of the snow last night. They lined them up into fences and forts. I was at work while this was happening and only got to see the pictures. I probably would have spoiled the fun by telling them how dangerous it is to play with large, sharp pieces of ice! Thankfully, no one was hurt and I just got to tell them how proud I was that they were being so creative.

This is one of Broody's babies slipping around on the ice. Today was the first day that the big girls wouldn't leave the coop, but the five young ones spent all day outside.

There is something so magical about these roses that grow on our front fence. They are beautiful year round.

I'm sure "someone" could do some cool stuff with their fancy color-capture option on this picture. I'm just happy to see my three babies playing happily together. I'm glad John caught the moment.