The broilers are big enough now that we let them out to range the backyard all day. They have stopped making the peeping noise and now sound like ducks. The roosters will start practicing their crowing soon. I'll be sure to get a video of that because it is funny. We have two layers that insist on flying out of their yard to hang with the broilers. I keep telling them that's not in their best interest, but they don't listen. Yesterday I gave up and just opened all the gates/pens and let them go where they wanted. The hens spent a few minutes letting the broilers know they were in charge, but after that everyone got along. Even Broody and the babies got to get out and stretch for a bit. With the whole yard to share, the others hardly noticed they were out.
Everyone sharing the garden
Cleaning out the corn patch
Broody and the not-so-little-anymore babies
The furry chicken, Butterscotch
Totally off topic, but had to share the monster egg one of my mom's hen laid this week. Not sure if it's the goldens or the orps laying these huge eggs, but I feel sorry for whoever it is. As big as it was, it only weighed 4 ounces. I've seen goose eggs smaller than this! The one on the left is the giant egg, the middle is a standard large egg from one of my hens, the one on the right is a baby egg from one of our young hens.
Fun to see them all out and about! That egg is huge, poor girl!
My daughter wouldn't buy that the furry one is a chicken...can't pass anything by that one! the broilers went from peeps to sounding like ducks?? What kind of mutant animals are you raising up there?? Can't wait to hear the roosters practicing their crowing. Bet it is hilarious...
Coming over to play today Broody and babes. Can't wait to see you.
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