Friday, November 14, 2008

Broilers at 10 weeks

This is the broilers last week with us, unless you want to get literal and count "in our bellies" as "with us". I will miss them greeting me at the back door every time I go out. I will miss the cock fights. I will miss the cute little honking noise they make. I will miss the running waddle when they try to fly. I will not miss filling the food and water three times a day, the chicken crap all over my deck or worrying about whether or not I need to put an injured meat chicken out of it's misery. Not to worry, though! It will all begin again in the spring. Here's a recap of the last ten weeks. I'm still amazed at how quickly they grow.


Johnson Family said...

Seriously, we need land...your poor deck! Let's hope for good weather tomorrow morning. Thanks again for sacrificing your backyard!

Johnson Family said...

By the way, I do count them as "with us" when they are in my belly! mmmm

Suz... said...

I just commented on Tiff's blog w/ the same thing...but I think it's so cool that you do this!

Karen said...

If they are in your belly, they are still with you. 24 hours later is a different story!