Tuesday, August 19, 2008

13 years ago today

It's gone by in a flash. I still remember the day vividly.

The wedding party: Christina Foster, Heather Robson(or was it still Wells?), us, Mike Owens, Bill Owens.

This one makes me feel really old! Those three adorable kids in the front are all in college now and one has a baby of her own!


Johnson Family said...

LOVE the picture of you two! I remember that day too! Congrats on your 13th anniversary. John is lucky to have you...don't forget to tell him that every morning. =) Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Damn lucky to have you.

Suds to Love said...

Happy Anniversary! It was certainly a beautiful day, hard to believe it's been that long.

M1 said...

What a beautiful bride and a handsome groom! And what a beautiful family you have now!
Congratulations to you both!